Version 6.1

Mittwoch März 3, 2021

The new medialoopster version 6.1 contains, as well as some bug fixes, new features for the custom metadata fields and extended possibilities of integrating with third party systems.


Clickable links in custom metadata fields

Clickable links in custom metadata fields

Starting with this medialoopster version, custom metadata fields have an option that allows link URLs to be rendered in the browser interface in a manner that opens the link target in a new browser tab.

To mark up the links, Markdown syntax is used, which also makes it possible to define link target and link caption independently of each other..

Customisable CORS settings

The capabilities of medialoopster for integrating with third-party systems are extended and facilitated by the optional configuration of API requests by web browsers from unknown domains.

In the medialoopster settings, you can configure for which domains cross-origin requests should be allowed.

Further improvements

  • In the configuration of connectors to the content analysis engine DeepVA, certificate validation can now be optionally deactivated.
  • Webhooks for external workflows can now be temporarily deactivated in the administration interface.
  • medialoopster now includes extended configuration options that allow the use of password-protected Elasticsearch indices.
  • Users with administration permissions are now informed about an upcoming expiry of the medialoopster licence in advance.

Bug fixes

  • It could happen that too long names of webhooks were cut off in the asset options menu without a hint. This error has been fixed.